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Cancelable Computation


CancelableComputation e a :: ((a -> void), (e -> void)) -> (() -> void)

Leaving the failure type to be implicitly an Error the signature can be shortened: CancelableComputation a :: ((a -> void), (* -> void)) -> (() -> void)


provides FantasyLand 4.0 Monad interface.

Generator Functions

Custom Cancelable addFantasyLandInterface(computationFunction)

:: CancelableComputation a → Cancelable a

Every function taking two callbacks as arguments;

  • a success callback, and
  • a failure callback

which returns an abort function, and which calls one of the callbacks asynchronously can be treated as a Cancelable.

import { addFantasyLandInterface } from '@visisoft/staticland/cancelable';
let cancelableWork = (res, rej) => {
    const work = beginSomeLongWork();
    whenCompletedWithResult(work, result => res(result));
    whenFailedWorkWithError(work, error => res(error));

    return () => { abort(work); };

In order to provide FantasyLand methods such a function needs to be wrapped with addFantasyLandInterface.


:: a -> Cancelable () a


:: e => Cancelable e ()


:: () -> Cancelable () () Creates a Cancelable which executes nothing and never settles.

later(dt, value)

:: Number -> a -> Cancelable () a

laterReject(dt, e)

:: Number -> e -> Cancelable e ()


:: (*... → Promise e a) → *... → Cancelable e a

Takes a function f which generates a non-abort-/non-cancel-able Promise and returns a function with the same arguments but which returns a Cancelable. The computation cannot be cancelled. Cancelling the resulting Cancelable will simply prevent the continuation callbacks from getting called once the promise settles.

See promiseToCancelable.

cancelifyWithArityAbortable(arity, f)

:: (Number, *... → Promise e a) → *... → Cancelable e a

Like cancelify but for functions f which accept an AbortSignal under the key signal in their last argument. Thus, for functions f which return abortable Promises.

Like with cancelify, cancelling the resulting Cancelable will prevent the continuation callbacks from getting called, but the computation will actually be aborted.

import cp from 'node:child_process';
import { promisify } from 'node:util';
import fsp from 'node:fs/promises';
   exec = cancelifyWithArityAbortable(2, promisify(cp.exec)),
   readFile = cancelifyWithArityAbortable(2, fsp.readFile),
   directoryList = exec("ls -l", {}),
   packageContents = readFile('./package.json', { encoding: 'utf8' });

fromNodeCallbackWithArity(arity, sourceFn)

:: Number → ((*..., NodeCallback a) → ()) → *... → Cancelable a

NodeCallback = (error, a) → ()

Creates an auto-curried function of arity arity from a source function that accepts a Node-style callback callback(error, data) as last parameter. The returned function can be invoked with the leading parameters of the Node-style source function, and returns a Cancelable.

The computation cannot be cancelled. Cancelling the resulting Cancelable will simply prevent the continuation callbacks from getting called once the callback is finally invoked.

The arity argument is provided to support functions with trailing default arguments. It must be a single argument less than the maximum number of arguments to the source function.


DeferredCancelable e a = {cancelable: Cancelable e a, resolve: a → (), reject: e → (), cancel: () → ()}

:: () → DeferredCancelable e a

Creates a cached/shared Cancelable along with "finalize" functions cancel, reject and resolve. This can act as an entry point to a cancelable pipeline.

This inverts, who is in control.

  • The computation needs to be carried out elsewhere, no longer in the Cancelable's function body.
  • The outcome of the computation needs to be imperatively delivered via reject or resolve.
  • Cancellation too is not in the hands of the consumer, but can be achieved by
  • never calling reject or resolve, or
  • explicitly invoking cancel() which just performs some internal cleanup

Note: After calling any function of the set cancel, reject, resolve again after any other, results in undefined behaviour.

fetchResponse({url, fetchSpec}) via fetchResponseIsoModule

:: {url: (String|URL), init: {}} -> Cancelable Error Response

This example fetches the number of libraries hosted at

The result is a Cancelable of a Maybe of a Number. The

  • failure continuation of the cancelable contains network errors and errors in the JSON format of the response,
  • nothing path of the maybe is taken in case the combined network and parse duration exceeded the timeout,
  • the just path of the Maybe in the success continuation of the Cancelable contains the result.
import {ap, pair, pipe} from 'ramda';
import {chain as chain_c, later, map as map_c, fetchResponseIsoModule} 
from '@visisoft/staticland/cancelable';
import { eitherToCancelable, keyPromiseToPromiseCollection, promiseToCancelable } 
from '@visisoft/staticland/transformations';
import { chain as chain_e, right, left } from '@visisoft/staticland/either';
import {nothing, just, maybe } from '@visisoft/staticland/maybe';
// assume we are running in Node.js
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import AbortController from "abort-controller";

   // :: {url: (String|URL), init: {}} -> Cancelable Error Response
   fetchResponse = fetchResponseIsoModule({fetch, AbortController}),
   // in a Browser this would be
   fetchResponse = fetchResponseIsoModule(globalThis);
   // :: Pair Response {k:v} -> Either {k:v}
   checkFetchResponseWithPayload = ([response, payload]) =>
       response.ok ?
           right(payload) :
               message: response.statusText,
               code: response.status,

   // :: {k:v} -> Either Number
   checkStatsResult = payload => 
      typeof payload.libraries === "number" ?
         right(payload.libaries) :
            message: "Unexpected API response",

   // :: Cancelable Maybe Number
   numberOfCDNJSLibraries = pipe(
       () => fetchResponse({url: "", init: { mode: "cors" }}),  // :: Cancelable Response
       map_c(ap(pair, response => response.json())),            // :: Cancelable Pair (Response) (Promise {k:v})
       map_c(keyPromiseToPromiseCollection(1)),                 // :: Cancelable Promise Pair (Response) ({k:v})
       chain_c(promiseToCancelable),                            // :: Cancelable Pair (Response) ({k:v})
       map_c(checkFetchResponseWithPayload),                    // :: Cancelable Either {k:v}
       map_c(chain_e(checkStatsResult)),                        // :: Cancelable Either Number
       chain_c(eitherToCancelable),                             // :: Cancelable Number
       map_c(just),                                             // :: Cancelable Maybe Number
       race(later(1000, nothing())),                            // :: Cancelable Maybe Number

new Promise(numberOfCDNJSLibraries)       // running
.then(                                    // consuming
    maybeCount => { 
           () => "Info: API request did not complete in time.", 
           n => `Result: CDNJS hosts ${n} libraries.`, 
   error => { 
        console.log(`Error: fetching CNDJSAPI: "${error.message}".\nData received:"${JSON.stringify(error.payload)}"`); 


coalesce(onFailure, onSuccess, cancelable)

:: Cancelable c ⇒ (x → b) → (a → b) → c x a → c x b

Maps failure via onFailure and success via onSuccess to new success value.

map(f, cancelable)

:: (Cancelable x) c ⇒ (a → b) → c a → c b

biMap(fnLeft, fn, cancelable)

:: Cancelable c ⇒ (x → y) → (a → b) → c x a → c y b


:: Cancelable c ⇒ k → c {k: v} → c v

:: Cancelable c ⇒ number → c [v] → c v

Simply k => map(R.prop(k)) for mapping to a key value.

Deprecated use pluck from Ramda or fantasyland/pluck.

chain(f, cancelable)

:: (a → Cancelable b) → Cancelable a → Cancelable b

biChain(fnLeft, fnRight, cancelable)

:: Cancelable c ⇒ (* → c b) → (a → c b) → c a → c b


bi_tap(onFailure, onSuccess)

:: (e -> *) -> (a -> *) -> Cancelable e a -> Cancelable e a

If either function throws an error, the present outcome is replaced by a failure given of that error.


ap(cancelableFunc, cancelable)

:: Cancelable (a → b) → Cancelable a → Cancelable b

Parallel running version: It runs both Cancelable arguments in parallel.

Note that if it was implemented simply ap(mf, ma) = chain(f => map(f, ma), mf) will not run the Cancelable Computations in parallel.

liftA2(f, ccA , ccB)

:: (a → b → c) → Cancelable a → Cancelable b → Cancelable c

Equivalent to (f, pa, pb) => Promise.all([pa, pb]).then(([a, b]) => f(a, b)). f must be curried.

Note that when implemented by sequentially running ap, liftA2(f, ma, mb) = ap(map(f, ma), mb) will not run the Cancelable Computations in parallel.

liftA3(f, ccA , ccB, ccC)

:: (a → b → c → d) → Cancelable a → Cancelable b → Cancelable c → Cancelable d

liftA4(f, ccA , ccB, ccC, ccD)

:: (a → b → c → d → e) → Cancelable a → Cancelable b → Cancelable c → Cancelable d → Cancelable e

race(cancelableA, cancelableB)

:: Cancelable a → Cancelable a → Cancelable a

Like Promise.race shortcuts (i.e. aborts the other) when any input value is settled with success or failure.



:: Cancelable e a → Cancelable e a

Caches the computational result for sharing with many consumers without the need for re-computation. See the section on Copying/Sharing Cancelables and it's role model Fluture.cache.