Natural Transformations
Async Stuff
:: Maybe Cancelable e a -> Cancelable e Maybe a
:: Either e a → Cancelable e a
"Alias" for either(reject_cancelable, of_cancelable);
:: Either c a → Promise a
Since the Either represents an immediate value, the returned Promise is settled.
:: Promise e a → Cancelable e a
The transformation is with limitations: - Eagerness cannot be transformed into laziness, i.e. the computation represented by the promise is already executing or even settled. - The computation cannot be cancelled. Cancelling the resulting Cancelable will simply prevent the continuation callbacks from getting called once the promise settles.
See cancelable/cancelify
Note that promiseToCancelable(p) ≡ cancelify(() => p)
:: Cancelable e a → Promise e a
Since promises are eager, this transformation will run the cancelable computation. The ability to cancel the computation will be lost.
Note that in principle, the ability to cancel the computation could be maintained. However, a result of the cancellation would then be that the created Promise never settles. That is considered to be bad practise.
:: Maybe Promise e a -> Promise e Maybe a
Deprecated: instead use maybe/sequence(of_p, map_p)
Async into/from Reactive Streams
:: Cancelable e a → EventStream e a
Creates a single-valued baconjs EventStream
If the stream ends after the Cancelable Computation has settled, the cancel function of the latter is (of course) not called.
:: Observable e a → Cancelable e a
It evaluates the last event (error or value event) of the given observable.
Since baconjs streams are implicitly shared and not lazy, converting them to lazy Cancelables can run to racing problems.
s = B.once("foo"),
sc = observableToCancelable(s),
spc = observableToCancelable(s.toProperty());
s.onValue(console.log); // -> "foo"
new Promise(sc).then(console.log); // never settles!
new Promise(spc).then(console.log); // never settles!
p = B.once("bar").toProperty(),
pc = observableToCancelable(p);
p.onValue(console.log); // -> "bar"
new Promise(pc).then(console.log) // -> "bar"
:: Cancelable a → Stream a
Crates a single-valued @most/core Stream
:: Stream a → Cancelable a
If not cancelled the resulting Cancelable Computation will continue with the last value, or the first error in the stream.
Maybe/Either into/from Reactive Streams
:: Maybe Observable a -> Observable Maybe a
Extracting from/Wrapping with Collections
keyMaybeToMaybeObj(key, coll)
:: key -> {key: Maybe a, …} -> Maybe {key: a, …}
:: Idx -> [Idx: Maybe a, …] -> Maybe [Idx: a, …]
Deprecated: Consider from lens
sequence(propertyLens(key)(map_mb), coll)
orsequence(indexLens(idx)(map_mb), coll)