Working with optional data, commonly done with if
Native JavaScript arrays which are empty or have a single element are considered a Maybe here.
fromNilable :: (a|undefined|null) → Maybe a
Generates a maybe from a value which can be nullish.
fromNilable({}.foo) // Nothing
fromNilable("bar") // Just("bar")
:: a → Maybe a
fromContentHolding("a") // Just("a")
fromContentHolding("") // Nothing
fromPredicate(predicate, subject)
:: (a → Boolean) → a → Maybe a
If the predicate test holds it returns the subject as a Just
, otherwise a Nothing
getOrElse(defaultValue, m)
:: a -> Maybe a -> a
Extract the value of a Just or return the provided default.
getOrElse("foo", nothing()); // -> "foo"
getOrElse("foo", just("bar")); // -> "bar"
maybe(onNothing, doWithJust, m)
:: (() -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
Composition of getOrElse
and map
Transforms the value if it exists with the provided function.
Otherwise, returns the default value.
Inspection (Side Effects)
biTap(onNothing, onJust)
:: (() → ()) → (a → ()) → Maybe a → Maybe a
:: (a → ()) → Maybe a → Maybe a
:: Maybe m => k -> m {k: v} -> m v
:: Maybe m => number -> m [v] -> m v
Deprecated use pluck
from Ramda or fantasyland/pluck
Simply k => map(R.prop(k))
for mapping to a key value.
sequence(of_f, map_f, MaybeOfF)
sequence(of_f, map_f, MaybeOfF)
:: Applicative f => ((a → f a), ((a → b) → f a → f b) → Maybe (f a) → f (Maybe a)
Deprecated Use fantasyland/sequence
Swap the sequence of types: Maybe of Functor of Value to Functor of Maybe of Value. Maybe takes the role of a "Traversable" t
Change a Maybe of a Promise into a Promise of a Maybe
// :: Maybe Promise e a -> Promise e Maybe a
maybeOfPromiseToPromiseOfMaybe = sequence(of_p, map_p);
maybeOfPromiseToPromiseOfMaybe(just(Promise.resolve("foo"))); // -> Promise Just "foo"
maybeOfPromiseToPromiseOfMaybe(just(Promise.reject("bar"))); // -> Promise.reject("bar")
maybeOfPromiseToPromiseOfMaybe(nothing()); // -> Promise Nothing
// getInputValue :: () -> Maybe string
// fetchServer :: string -> Promise data
// map_mb :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
// defaultData :: data
// :: a -> Promise a
of_p = value => Promise.resolve(value),
// :: (a -> b) -> Promise a -> Promise b
map_p = curry((fn, aPromise) => aPromise.then(fn)),
// :: () -> Promise Data
getServerData = pipe(
getInputValue, // :: Maybe String
map_mb(fetchServer), // :: Maybe Promise Data
maybeOfPromiseToPromiseOfMaybe, // :: Promise Maybe Data
map_p(getOrElse(defaultData)) // :: Promise Data
Change a Maybe of a Key-Value Pair into a Key-Value Pair of a Maybe
maybeOfFooObjectToObjectFooOfMaybe :: Maybe {foo: a} → {foo: Maybe a}
import {modify, objOf} from 'ramda';
ofFooObj = x => ({foo: x}), // :: a → {foo: a}
mapFooObj = modify("foo"), // :: (a → b) → {foo: a} → {foo: b}
maybeOfFooObjectToObjectFooOfMaybe = // :: Maybe {foo: a} → {foo: Maybe a}
sequence(ofFooObj, mapFooObj),
justFooBar = just({foo: "bar"}); // :: Just {foo: "bar"}
maybeOfFooObjectToObjectFooOfMaybe(justFooBar); // {foo: Maybe "bar"}
traverse(of_f, map_f, effect_to_f, maybe)
:: (Applicative f, Traversable t) => (c → f c) → ((a → b) → f a → f b) → (a → f b) → Maybe a → f (Maybe b)
Applies an "effect" effect_to_f
to the value inside the Maybe. Then combines that "effect" with the Maybe by wrapping the "effect's" result in an Applicative of a Maybe.
If, for instance the "effect" is an asynchronous computation wrapped in a Promise a → Promise b
, it might make more sense to work with a Promise of a Maybe than a Maybe of a Promise.
Using traverse
essentially combines mapping the effect_to_f
over the Maybe and calling sequence(of_f, map_f)
in a single step.
// see first example for sequence
// :: (a → Promise b) → Maybe a → Promise Maybe b
applyToPromiseOfMaybe = traverse(of_p, map_p),
// :: a → Promise b
delayEffect = x => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000, x));
applyToPromiseOfMaybe(delayEffect, just("foo")); // -> Promise Just "foo"
applyToPromiseOfMaybe(delayEffect, nothing()); // -> Promise Nothing
// :: () -> Promise Data
getServerData = pipe(
getInputValue, // :: Maybe String
applyToPromiseOfMaybe(fetchServer), // :: Promise Maybe Data
map_p(getOrElse(defaultData)) // :: Promise Data
Relation with sequence
sequence(of_f, map_f, t) ≡ traverse(of, map, identity, t)
, and traverse(of_f, map_f, effect_to_f, t) ≡ sequence(of_f, map_f, map(effect_to_f, t))
The first two parameters of sequence
and traverse
are the same and due to the implementation.
Argument type checking
This library functions do not guard the user from supplying arguments of a wrong type. In particular, passing some other type as the maybe subject or passing a function to chain
which returns a some other type, will cause undefined behaviour later.