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By List is a synonym for Array-like collections. Although at this stage, @visisoft/staticland/list supports just Array as list type.

If combining just data or functions with a "list", these functions (like map, chain, of, etc.) are provided by Ramda and thus will not be implemented here.

However, when combining "list" with other algebraic types, unfortunately Ramda expects them to be Fantasy-Land objects with accordingly named methods. So, because Static-Land is all about static functions instead of member functions, @visisoft/staticland/list provides the following functions that work with combinations of "list" with the other @visisoft/staticland data "types".


find(predicate, list)

:: (a → Boolean) → [a] → Maybe a


:: [a] → Maybe a

:: String → Maybe Character


:: [a] → Maybe a

:: String → Maybe Character

nth(index, list)

:: Number → [a] → Maybe a

:: Number → String → Maybe Character

Like in Ramda, - negative indices count from the back - an index of 0 means the first item, of 1 the second and so forth…



:: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

sequence(of_f, liftA2_f, arrayOfF)

:: Applicative f => ((a → f a), ((a → b → c) → f a → f b → f c) → [f a] → f [a]

Swap the sequence of both the types List and a Functor: Turns a List of Functors of Values into a Functor of a List of Values.


import {liftA2 as liftA2_mb, of as of_mb, nothing, just} 
   from '@visisoft/staticland/maybe';
   listOfMaybesToMaybeOfList = sequence(of_mb, liftA2_mb);

listOfMaybesToMaybeOfList([just("me"), just("you")]); // -> Just(["me", "you"])
listOfMaybesToMaybeOfList([just("me"), nothing()]); // -> Nothing

Note that the first two parameters of_f and liftA2_f are just needed to support the implementation. Both should be taken from the Applicative f's static functions.

traverse(of_f, liftA2_f, effect_to_f, array)

:: Applicative f => ((a → f a), ((a → b → c) → f a → f b → f c) → (a → f b) → [a] → f [b]

Applies an "effect" effect_to_f to the values of the List. Then combines that "effect" with the List by wrapping the "effect's" result in an Applicative of a List.

If, for instance the "effect" is an asynchronous computation wrapped in a Promise a → Promise b, it might make more sense to work with a single Promise of a List of the asynchronous computation results than a List of Promises of that results.

Note that the first two parameters of_f and liftA2_f are just needed to support the implementation. Both should be taken from the Applicative f's static functions.


   // :: (a -> Promise b) -> List a -> Promise List b
   traversePromiseFactoryInList = traverse_l(of_p, liftA2_p),
   // :: Number -> Promise Number
   asyncSquareRoot = x => (x >= 0) ? 
      later_p(100, Math.sqrt(x)) : 
      laterFail(25, "complex result");

traversePromiseFactoryInList(asyncSquareRoot, [4, 25, 81])
// -> Promise [2, 5, 9]